EKSU Journal of the Management Scientists

Environmental Sanitation, Provision of Amenities and Traders’ Welfare in Lagos, Nigeria: Understanding Traders’ Experiences in Oyingbo Market


  • M. A. Gbajumo-Sheriff Author
  • O. M. Pedro Author


Markets are spaces where economic, social, and political activities take place. Research evidence suggests that marketplaces are busy with influx of people and goods, and as such generate huge waste. This study investigated the impact of environmental sanitation and provision of amenities on traders’ welfare in Oyingbo market, Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted the mixed method research approach by using 211 copies of questionnaires administered to traders and conducting interviews with traders’ association executives. Pearson correlation was used for analysing quantitative data while the responses for interviews were presented using case study. Findings revealed that proper environmental sanitation and provision of adequate facilities within markets improve traders’ welfare


